Random picture of the week

Random picture of the week
The Limited Edition Xbox 360 Halo 3

It's been a day since my birthday

24 hours felt like nothing
passing as if it was a breeze

Sometimes, i feel like no one
And thats how I felt for my birthday yerstrday,
No one gave me any presents or so,
except my grandparents
Only them and my Dad said Happy Birthday to me.

I wondered what has happened to the world now
Pollution, war, politics and poverty

I agree with this proverb "the poor is getting poorer and the rich is getting richer.
Seems that money is destroying lives

I wonder why people like America.

30% of pollution comes from them,
war in the middle east comes from them,
poverty comes from them,
most weopons are made in the US
most terrorist weopons comes from them,
and thats only a fraction of what they do!!!

Sorry i'm abit emo today
Having a really sad time