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The Limited Edition Xbox 360 Halo 3
Its been a weallllllllly long time since i last posted
Too long actually that i forgot my username
Yes I know thats very silly

I'll be postin quite alot from now on
thats like a fatal wound to it!!!!!!!!!!
and my life
yesh...i weally stoned when i realised what happened
I hav nothing to do but stare at the com screen
I hate MS
But I luv them too
coz they made such a great console
but theres a big BIG(had to emphasize) flaw in ze design
Now the story

99% of ze design complete, MS had only ONE ting left to put in
ze DVD drive. BUT there was no space. So they made the heat sink smaller.
And well, thats it. Wait! theres somemore, so this causes ze GPU's soldering to heat up and melt causing the movement of the GPU. Which then destroys the whole planet i mean Xbox.
Yesh i noe...
But i dont